Good news! You no longer need to navigate different dialog boxes. The Place Component Panel and Library Manager Interface in the Fusion 360 Electronics workspace allows you to find the parts you require faster while reducing your design time.

Place Component Panel
Browsing libraries and finding the correct component for your schematic often requires navigating the thousands of available components to locate the part you need. With the latest Fusion 360 release, we’ve made this much easier.
The next time you start adding components to your schematic, you’ll notice the new Place Component Panel. We’ve removed the old modal dialog box and replaced it with this unique panel. The panel makes it easier to pinpoint and preview the part you need by adding better search options.
The search filters also enable you to identify and switch between different sources. You can preview the selected parts, any available links, and component metadata at the bottom of the panel.
Adding parts is as easy as double-clicking the part or dragging the component into your schematic workspace. You can also expand and preview components that have footprint variants. This makes it easier to choose the variant you require for your design. The new panel, coupled with the new Library Manager interface, will optimize your design with fewer steps and less guesswork.
Library Manager
In the past, the library manager made it challenging to find the correct library. Whether the content was local, stored in the cloud, or was shared on – users asked us to make it obvious where and whom Libraries were coming from – and what they contained before you installed them.
The new interface will optimize your design time with fewer steps and less guesswork. Couple this with filters to identify a library’s origin, and the result is a massive increase in efficiency!
Take a look at the new Place Component Panel and Library Manager in the following video:
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